Monday, May 24, 2010


1. reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence
2. confident expectation of something; hope

I've been thinking a lot recently about my ability (or arguably my desire) to trust people, and I stumbled across the definition above. Which got me thinking: I have extreme hope in people... and in some ways hurt myself by being overly optimistic in mankind's desire to "do good" or "positively change." And because of this fact, I've always considered myself a "trusting" person (def. 2); but, is that really the case. As I delve deeper into this thought process, I realize there are actually very few people I trust outright. Relying in a humans ability to change is one thing, but I relying in someone's integrity and strength (def. 1) is virtually impossible for me.

Partly this is because I have operate from a fundamental belief humans are flawed and prone to error. So relying in an innately flawed being's surety seems counter-intuitive... more basically it just seems plain stupid. However, probably more seriously than the first "excuse" I have not to trust I believe trust is hard to grant to others because you open yourself up to hurt.

Example: cute girl meets attractive man in a coffee shop, he asks her for her number, she has two choices... 1. Trust that he will call her because he asked for her number in the first place or 2. Not trust that he will call. In the first scenario the cute girl has opened herself up to an array of emotions: excitement if he calls, disappointment if he doesn't etc.... In the second scenario zero emotions have been solicited, good or bad...

I think I'm very hasty to act out the second scenario in my life..... So, how do people gain trust in my life, or can they... giving this more thought stay tuned...

how do people gain trust in your life?

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