Friday, May 21, 2010

Cutting the Crazy

For some time now (maybe a good year), my motto has been, "It's time to cut the crazy." Everyone has those people in their lives they could most likely just do without...right? People that bring out the worst in you, or people who encourage you to do things that are less than recommended for your well-being. However, cutting the crazy is proving to be quite difficult for me to accomplish.

For those of you who know me, I'm certain you're thinking, "well Cass, maybe that's a direct reflection of your craziness..." and for the most part you are probably right, but what's the fun with "normal" people who always encourage you to do the "right" thing? It's BORING! I think somewhere in my head, it's a fun challenge to surround myself with the wrong people, just to see how disciplined I can truly be. Also, "normal" people are super easy to figure out. I'm totally intrigued by what makes people who they are!

All of this to lead me to the question, "Do I really need to 'Cut the Crazy'?" What do I gain if I do, what do I loose if I don't? Thoughts?


  1. Cut the crazy girl... only if I am not considered in the crazy category! :)

  2. Cutting crazy = boring = no fun = deperssion.... so be happy, stay crazy =D
