Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hiding Out

I've now officially decided to embark on training for a Figure Competition, but shhhhhh don't tell anyone. It's interesting to me, I've never before worried about telling someone I was in training. When I signed up for my first half-marathon and began training, I told people right away. A few years leater decided to run a ridiculous 23 mile race up and over the Colorado National Monument and again had no problem sharing that with people.

Hiding Out

That said, I find myself refusing to tell people I'm training for a Figure Competition, and I'm not really sure why. Is it a sign of an underlying doubt I have? Is it because I worry people will look at my body now and just laugh at me? Is it because if I can't handle the pressure of the workouts and diets, I can't just back out without people knowing I failed? The truth is, I'm sure it's all of those reasons! I find myself like the turtle afraid to come out of my shell.

As I've thought through these fears and had some time to rationalize, I believe they are founded in years of worrying about what other people think about me, a virtually impossible characteristic to not take on at some point in life. But how long has this 'fear' or 'worry' held me in my shell? If for nothing less, participating in this show will be for me to prove to myself that I can do it. That truly limitations placed on me by others don't dictate my successes.

I'm beginning to realize the hardest part of this training, might be more mental than anything physical!

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