Recently I've found myself wondering "why am i doing this?" I mean, more broadly why do people feel the need to compete? And closely related to that question is another one i find myself pondering frequently, "when will enough, be enough?"
The desire to compete, is an intriguing genetic hard wiring i think everyone has. My guess is competition started back in the day when people were forced to ban together to "compete" for their lives: hunting together, living together...surviving together. But when then did the need to compete "against" each other arise? I'm not just talking about physical competitions, I mean mentally, at your place of work, in your homes against your brother's and sisters... what good really comes of it all. Someone can leave their office, or their home and say, "I told you so, I can do it better?"
Does the need to compete come from an underlying insecurity that you're never going to be good enough? Is it ingrained in us from a small age on the playground...when you dad looks at you and says, "you're not going to let so-and-so beat you on to the swings are you?" Or is competing just a good way to gain attention... you win and you get positive attention you loose and you get negative attention?
I have no real answers to these questions. I do; however, know that I love to compete. Somewhere along the way my competitive nature morphed a little, from the desire to compete against others (i.e. basketball or having the highest grade in the class), to competing against myself. I've become totally addicted to pushing myself past perceived limits. Seeking out the next "ridiculous" thing and pursuing it. For me, the moment I see something, or hear about something and think, "Wow, I could never do that...." I'm doomed. I've already sub-consciously signed myself up for it. This isn't just with running, or figure competitions, this for me is more... it's at work, it's in my personal relationships....but WHY???? Maybe I just hate and/or fear loosing... will enough ever be enough? And therein lies the conundrum....
I'd love to know what someone else thinks about this!
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